Katamari Forever

Chaper Four: Everlasting Love

    Over time, the Queen became more clingy to Robo. It was almost like she was also the Prince's mother; They both had a great love for this boy, and Robo wanted nothing more than to see him grow into a kindhearted king. She could be spotted holding hands with the Queen as they cheered the Prince on. When the Prince wasn't around, the Queen had been more productive than usual. She spent lots of time focusing on her passions: Baking, knitting and gardening. Maybe it was the Vitamin D, but the Queen's youthful energy returned, allowing her to seize each day. Through all of this Robo was by her side, bonding with her close friend. Of course, this is just how "gal pals" are, right?

    When dusk came, the three decided to bake gratin for dinner. This had been the Queen's favorite food since childhood. "You work so hard for such a little body!" Robo admirably commented. The Prince, absorbing the praise, responded, "I want to be just like Mom! She really makes the yummiest food!" This made his mother's heart melt, like the gooey cheese in the dish. The Queen warmly replied, "I would love to cook more with you, sweet Prince." The Queen placed the pan in the oven with her traditional white and green oven mitts. They may not have matched her outfit, but it added a sense of hominess to her appearance.

    Finally, the food was ready! The Queen set the table with dainty silverware and chic tablecloths, reflecting her elegant nature. In her food-loving nature, Robo gawked at the meal. "This looks SO good! Thank you for the meal!" she cheered. The Queen blushed, not used to the high praise. In an attempt to seem humble, she responded, "Well, I really could not have made it without you two!" Prince didn't mind the playful chatting, though his stomach sure did. Without thinking, the Prince ate a spoonful of scalding-hot gratin. His cheeks puffed as he held back tears, while attempting to not draw any attention. However, Robo didn't hesitate to begin coddling her friend's son. "You poor thing! Lemme get you some cold water!" Robo babbled. Even though the Queen wanted to help her son, she just watched the interaction. Maybe it was out of instinct, as the King always insisted on building their child's endurance by trying not to over-parent him. However, she snapped out of it, as she suddenly remarked, "Please let the meal cool down!" The interjection may have been awkward, but Robo gave her a smile of approval. After having a cold drink, the Prince thanked the two of them. Even at such a young age, the Prince never forgot to show gratitude to his loved ones.

    After finishing dinner, the three of them watched the hit American movie, Super Panda. By no means was it a good movie, but the special effects were fun to laugh at. Not even the Prince could take the film seriously, as he giggled at the terrible CGI. Suddenly, it felt as if a pair of eyes were watching them. Outside, RoboKing had been watching the movie from outdoors. It was as pitiful as a stray cat waiting for food, so the Queen decided to invite him inside. In a monotone beep, RoboKing spoke, "Thank you for letting me inside. You are treating me like a king." As thanks, the RoboKing put himself in charge of popcorn, using his mechanical heart to heat up the kernels. Even if he could not eat food, watching the three enjoy the popcorn made him feel a sense of purpose. As it got darker outside, the Prince became very sleepy. As he dozed off, "The movie must've bored him out!" Robo joked. RoboKing's body creaked as he returned to his garage, humming a 8-bit ditty. Once the Prince was tucked into bed, Robo and his mother headed to the bedroom.

    The girls lied next to each other, relaxing after their long day. As the Queen leaned closer to Robo's shoulder, she said to herself, "I forgot how easy life could be." A sense of achievement warmed her heart, since she accomplished so much without mentally exhausting herself. The Queen thought, "Maybe it can stay this way" As she held Robo's arm. At this time, all her troubles flew away. It was almost as if time was rewinded back to when life was easygoing, simple and happy. While she still had the confidence, the Queen blurted, "I don't want to let go of you. I love how you make me feel...I love how you are...I love you." Her face was red as she braced herself for Robo's reply. "I love you too, I really do!" Robo lovingly responded. The Queen's cool, blue eyes lovingly gazed into Robo's bright expression. The two kissed each other, entwining one another's body. As the days continued, their bond grew closer than ever.