Katamari Forever

Chapter One: Change in Pace

    It was the start of another day in the Great Cosmos. The stars were shining brighter than ever, reflecting their creators: The Prince and his many cousins! His hard work improved his confidence and strength, making everyone proud of him. Being a young boy, there's always room to grow, so his father decided to spend the morning building endurance and agility. In a crude attempt to push the Prince forward, the King made sure to be a total show-off. "Son," The King began, "We cannot help but pity your fruitless attempts at this." While most people would consider the Prince's small increases of elevation as "impressive", the bar was quite low. The King wants everyone to recognize his child's potential, but his puny stature and timidity overshadow any attempts at doing so. "Watch and learn, now." the powerful King commanded. He began to rise to the awe of the Prince and his cousins. Just as the Prince's determination rose, a large crash interrupted his ambition. A large sea urchin-like object struck his father in the head, knocking him out cold.

    The Prince announced, "My friends, we are in a crisis! The King is in a deep sleep! What shall we do?" A chatter arose, with different suggestions occurring. "We could try necromancy..." Mu murmured. Ichigo squeaked, "Slap him in the face! That'll do it!" Unsurprisingly, the brainstorming-session of a group of children was not fruitful. That is when a loud drilling-noise was heard. While they had been arguing, Mag, Drooby and Nickel were all in the process of building a small machine. "That's it!" remarked the Prince. All of them decided on the Prince's option: Build a robotic replica of the King, of course! At this point in time, robots commonly fulfilled many positions, just not royalty. From healthcare workers to waiters, they seemed to have the qualifications to be decent laborers. Just look at Drooby; she helps with construction, cooking burgers and defending the Cosmos! Surely, robots were the way to go!

    Though the Cousins were determined to build this android as hastily as possible, there is only so much that can be accomplished when they are five centimeters tall. So, the Prince and the cousins rushed to the Queen for help. Macho, the strongest one, pleaded "We beg you for assistance! Only you can help us with the heavy lifting!" The Queen knelt down, reaching her hand out. Her face became serious as she responded, "I will do my best to help my family!" With their aunt on their side, the task felt a lot smaller. After all, aside from enhancing the King's image, a part of the Queen's role was to always support the King.

    One could argue corners were cut during the production of this "RoboKing", as Mag nicknamed it. His circuitry was less than stellar, but he worked. Beneath the rust and malfunctions, the effort put into this creation could be felt. The Prince was ordered to create his Reactor Core, which would animate his steely body. This was nothing new for the Prince, as it seemed to be just like any other katamari. However, a certain glow emitted from the sky. Why, it was the Prince's ancestors, flying about! It was almost as if they were accompanying him on this strange task. With all the parts—and a few angels rolled up, the bot seemed to be ready for action. Within his core, a light glowed brightly from its triangular eyes. "...Who put that there?" Nickel beeped. It seemed to be a "Damacy". They are bundles of energy packed with emotion and personality. Science has no explanation for where this soul came from, but the Cousins hoped it would give him the same passion as the King.

    Things didn't go as planned. At first, the RoboKing seemed to be bugging. A few wacky moves, but nothing harmful. Then, just like his sleeping counterpart, he flew into the sky! Stars were destroyed, screams were heard from the ground below. Then, as it came to a climax, he hit his head. The destruction of stars clearly reflected the King's mannerisms, but the similarities seemed to end there. Thankfully, he did not break, but it may have been better to put the poor thing out of his misery. "Oh, hello there..." RoboKing groaned. He worriedly held his hands near his face, fearing any punishment or judgment. It was hard for anyone to be mad at RoboKing, as he had the dexterity of a crab, the sad eyes of a basset hound, and the whine of a creaky door. What comes next?